“Compliments from Shaheem, Imran and Muttalib”: Who were behind the attack on me?

I don’t have any forensic evidence as such but I have reason to believe that current Islamic Affairs Minister Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed, Adhaalath Party President Imran Abdulla and Jumhooree Party Member of Parliament Ibrahim Muttalib had both a direct and indirect influence on the attack carried against me on June 4 by three men styled up as Wahhabis.

When they were slashing my throat, they uttered the words “Mee Shaheem, Imran, Muttalib faraathun hadhiyaa eh“, meaning “Compliments from Shaheem, Imran and Muttalib”. Even though the three politicians may not have directly ordered the three attackers to murder me, their calls for killing me somehow had a psychological influence on the three attackers to the extent that they did attack me.

Now how could that happen? An MDP Member of Parliament has confirmed to a Maldivian writer (who is a friend of mine) that after the attack on me, Muttalib commented in Parliament House in front of other Parliament Members: “Buneemennu Velezinee aai Hilath maraalaanamey. E othee Hilath maraalaafa” which means something to the effect: “See I told you we’ll murder Velezinee and Hilath. We have already murdered Hilath.”

What nerve for Muttalib to share his darkest and most violent fantasies with other MPs. If he’s now openly calling for the killing of his political opponents like Velezinee (President Nasheed’s former member to the Judicial Service Commission who exposed the corrupt justice system of Maldives; she was later knifed in broad daylight in Male’ on the crowded street Maaveyo Magu) and religious opponents like me, then he must be feeling very powerful, which means the most powerful people in Maldives right now must be behind him and openly supporting his extremist agenda.

It’s not clear whether Muttalib ordered anyone directly to kill me but then calling for violence do have its grave consequences.

But there’s more disturbing news which implicates Shaheem and Imran directly. Just three days before the June 4 attack, a friend told me that a member of a very famous gang (which I am not mentioning by name because it’s not the gangs’ fault that politicians posing as priests are subverting them to carry out their dirty deeds) told him that “Shaheem and Imran visited the home of (named deleted), a senior member of our gang. They preached that it will be alright to murder a person like Hilath. They said that it won’t be a sin and therefore they won’t go to hell for killing Hilath.”

Quite interestingly, Imran now has a 24-hour bodyguard who is a member of a gang (would be useful when it comes to a fight) and who has additionally donned the Wahhabi gear (would be useful to deceive unsuspecting people).

Via Hilath.com

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